
Nerve Pain – Causes And Treatment
Nerve Pain Causes and Treatment When some health condition affects or damages the nerves that carry sensation to the brain, we experience a type of

Alzheimer’s: Is Age The Only Factor?
Alzheimer’s: Is Age The Only Factor? Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive nerve ailment that shrinks the brain and causes the brain cells to die. It

Is It Possible To Lead A Normal Life With Epilepsy?
What is Epilepsy? Epilepsy, also referred to as a seizure disorder, is a brain condition often precipitated by stroke or brain tumours and characterized by

Chronic Constipation: Does It Need Treatment?
Chronic Constipation: Does It Need Treatment? Having fewer than three bowel movements a week is termed as constipation. Chronic constipation is difficulty in passing stools,

इरिटेबल बावेल सिंड्रोम (आईबीएस) और आहार के टिप्स
क्या आईबीएस का संबंध मेरे आहार से है ? इरिटेबल बावेल सिंड्रोम (आईबीएस) एक असुविधाजनक विकार है जो पेट में कई तरह के असामान्य लक्षण और मल

Are Urinary Infections A Cause For Worry?
Are Urinary Infections A Cause For Worry? A urinary tract infection or UTI is an infection of the urinary system comprising the kidneys, bladder, ureters

Vitiligo – Myths & Facts
What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is a rare, non-infectious skin disorder that affects production of melanin, which gives colour to our skin, thus leading to depigmentation

Glaucoma: Causes & Impact
Glaucoma The optic nerve is crucial for healthy eyesight. A group of eye conditions that cause damage to this vital nerve are collectively referred to

How Does Obesity Impact The Heart?
Obesity & Heart Disease So how do you know if you are obese? There are two critical parameters used to determine if your weight is