Skin is your first line of defense against disease, protects your other organs and shows how healthy you are inside.Dermatology is the science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin, hair and nails. Dermatologists are experts and surgeons with the unique skills and experience who offer the best care for the skin. Dermatologists perform a range of procedures, many of which are cosmetic. These include cosmetic filler injections, hair removal or transplantation, laser therapy, tattoo removal and vitiligo surgery. Other treatments done by them include removal of warts, skin cancers, allergy testing etc
At Bhagwan Mahavir Medica, the Dermatology department provides treatment for all skin and hair related problems under one roof.
Facilities Available at BMMSH
Acne Scar Removal
- Microdermabrasion
- Lasers
Scar Removal
- Microneedling
- Debulking
Hyperpigmentation (Melasma, Freckles, Postinflammation)
- Peels
- Lasers
Hypopigmentation (VITILIGO)
- Medical Treatment
- Phototherepy
- Split Thickness Graft
- Punch Graft
- Non Cultured Epidermal Suspension
Laser Hair Removal
Removal of Skin Tags, Moles, Warts
Laser Treatment
- Scar Removal
- Tatoo Removal
- Hair Removal
Microblanding of Eyebrowns & Powder Eyebrows
Permanent Makeup
Hydra Facial
Party Peels
- Treatment for Hair fall
- PRP for Hair fall
- Mesotherapy for Hair fall
- Scalp Micropigmentation
- Hair Transplantation (Coming Soon)
We provide 24/7 patient support.
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